Upper blepharoplasty
This is an operation to lift the eyelid skin. It can be done as a standalone procedure to rejuvenate the eyes, or in conjunction with other procedures such as lower blepharoplasty, brow lift and / or face lift.
Why have upper blepharoplasty
As we age, our upper lid skin can become saggy and droopy. This is unsightly and looks ageing. Patients also complain that their eyes feel heavy. Women often noticed that they have problems applying eyeshadow in that area.
Surgery to lift the upper eyelid can result in a fresher look, with people commenting that you look well rested.
How is the operation done
The operation can be done under local or general anaesthetic. A cut is made in the natural skin crease of the upper eyelid. Excess skin is removed, sometimes with a strip of muscle if necessary. Occasionally bulging fat also needed to be trimmed, however this is kept to a minimal as removing too much fat results in a sunken look of the eye, conversely looking even more ageing.
Does it hurt
After the local anaesthetic wears off, there might be some mild discomfort initially. The surgery is not associated with excessive pain. However it is not uncommon to have some dry and gritty sensation of the eyes for a few days. Lubricating ointment will help to ease this, and will be prescribed for you to take home.
After the operation
Do expect some swelling and bruising for the next couple of weeks. Regular cold compress will help with the swelling. Contact lens and makeup around the eyes should be avoided for 2 weeks. Refrain from exercise and heavy lifting for 4 weeks.
The stitches will be removed within 5 to 7 days.
How long do I have to be off work
You can return to work within a week to 10 days when majority of the swelling and bruising have subsided.
Possible complications
As with any other surgery, scarring takes a while to settle, and infection can occur in the operated site.
The most important complication of the surgery is bleeding post-operatively. Minor bleeding can be stopped with simple pressure and ice packs. Occasionally returning to theatre to deal with the bleeding is necessary. Very rarely, the bleeding can accumulate behind the eyeball, in this instance causing an emergency as pressure on the eyeball can lead to blindness. This would necessitate an immediate return to theatre.
Post op Instructions
You may be prescribed antibiotic ointment. Apply twice a day
Eye lubricant can be used regularly to prevent dry eyes feeling
Keep your head elevated during sleep to reduce swelling
Use cold compresses to manage swelling (e.g. gel masks or ice wrapped in towel)
Ice for 10 minutes every hour in the first few days
Avoid alcohol or smoking during the initial recovery period
Avoid physical activities such as exercise, heavy lifting for 4 weeks
Don’t strain your eyes in the first few days: avoid reading, television or computer screens
Leave contact lens out for 2 weeks
Avoid eye creams or face creams initially
You can shower or wash your hair the day after surgery, but keep water, soap and shampoo out of your eye, especially for the first week
Avoid swimming, hot tubs, gardening or dusting for 1-2 weeks
Wear sunglasses on bright days for 1 year after surgery
Nuffield Hospital,
Kingswood Rd,
Tunbridge Wells,
KIMS Hospital,
Newnham Ct Way,
ME14 5FT
4 Sevenoaks Rd,
Borough Green,
TN15 8BB
Serenity Therapies,
42 High St,
Tunbridge Wells,